What Happens To Valkyrie In Phase 4? Here's What Tessa Thompson Says


What Happens To Valkyrie In Phase 4? Here's What Tessa Thompson Says
Valkyrie's Thor: Ragnarok poster

This week is an extremely exciting one for moviegoers, leading to a blockbuster release a decade in the making. One full year after Infinity War shocked us all, Avengers: Endgame will finally arrive in theaters to continue the MCU's main narrative. The fandom is eager to see what happened to the surviving heroes after Thanos snapped his finger and wiped out half of all life.

Thanos' snap (aka The Decimation) reduced countless characters to dust, but Avengers: Infinity War left a few characters' fates unclear. Chief among them was Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie, who was noticeably absent during the opening Asgardian massacre. We recently learned that she survived the snap, although Thompson admits she's not sure what could come next for Val in Phase Four. As she tells it:

All I know is that she’s alive, which is a big start. I don’t know anything about what happens to her, or how she’ll be positioned, if at all, in the next phase. I have some ideas, but I don’t know.

Despite being part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it doesn't look like Tessa Thompson knows all that much more than us fans. Much of the MCU's next slate of films is a mystery, and that includes Valkyrie's role and the possibility of Thor 4.

Tessa Thompson's comments to Collider further demonstrate how Marvel Studios is keepings its cards close to the chest during this very exciting time. The narrative possibilities for Avengers: Endgame are seemingly limitless, and that's largely due to how well the MCU's secrets have been guarded. Only Robert Downey Jr. was given a full script, and the movie's trailers have revealed little to nothing about the film's contents.

This secrecy may not have stopped some spoilers from leaking, but it's kept the majority of the public in the dark. While this will allow for a better moviegoing experience, it means that actors like Tessa Thompson are currently left out of the loop regarding her character's future in the behemoth shared universe.

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Of course, Tessa Thompson is privy to some Marvel conversations that the public couldn't possibly be apart of. She recently revealed that ideas for Thor 4 are being tossed around, with the studio reportedly hoping to bring Ragnarok Taika Waititi for another sequel. But we shouldn't expect any answers until Avengers: Endgame arrives in theaters, and the fandom is given ample opportunity to recover from all the twist and turns.

Valkyrie should appear eventually in Avengers: Endgame, although it's unclear how big her role may be. Character posters confirmed that she survived the affects of Thanos' snap, but it's unclear where she was during Thanos' assault on the Asgardian Ship. Tessa Thompson has joked about the possibilities, but she also seems out of the loop regarding her character's fate.

Tessa Thompson's Endgame role was teased in a recent TV spot for the highly anticipated Marvel blockbuster. She was briefly seen in casual clothes, possibly in New York City. But given The Russo Brothers' penchant for including fake footage, who knows how legit that is. As a reminder, you can check out the TV spot below.

Despite her noticeable absence from Avengers: Infinity War, Valkryie will eventually pop up during the events of Endgame. Here's hoping she gets to get in on some action, and join the battle against Thanos. Considering half the galaxy faded to dust as a result of the Mat Titan's quest, the surviving heroes are going to need all the help they can to fight back and avenge the fallen.

Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie made her Marvel debut in Taika Waititi's Thor: Ragnarok, and quickly made an impression among the rabid Marvel fandom. Ragnarok was a game changer for the Thor franchise, taking the title character into space and destroying much of what was built in the first two movies. This includes Jane Foster and her friends, as well as the Warrior's Three.

When Chris Hemsworth's God of Thunder crash landed on Sakaar, it was Valkyrie who captured him and brought him to Jeff Goldblum's Grandmaster. But we eventually learned about her tragic story, as Hela massacred her fellow Asgardian warriors back in the day. It's this thirst for vengeance (and liquor) that inspires her to join forces with the likes of Thor, Hulk, and Loki.

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It's Valkyrie's mixture of sass and hidden vulnerability that helped audiences connect with the newcomer. She was utterly imperfect, with a substance abuse issue helping to numb her trauma and self-loathing. Tessa Thompson also played Valkyrie as a queer woman, breaking new ground for the MCU. While her gay scene was ultimately left on the cutting room floor, it seemed inevitable that Thompson should eventually reprise her role, and further expand the character's backstory.

Just how Valkyrie will return to our screens is a mystery. The most obvious choice would be a role in Thor 4, but there's no guarantee that that project will come to fruition. With Endgame Chris Hemsworth has reached the end of his contract with Disney, so Marvel Studios will have to try and strike the right deal with both he and Taika Waititi.

If Thor ends up dying in Endgame and/or Chris Hemsworth refuses to return to his signature Marvel role, perhaps Tessa Thompson will finally get her dream of an all-female Marvel movie. The long rumored project started when a group of Marvel heroines (including Thompson) pitched the idea to Kevin Feige. While far from an official business meeting, Captain Marvel's massive box office success could give the studio reason to invest in the idea. And hopefully bring back Valkyrie in the process.

Luckily, we don't have to wait too long for answers. Avengers: Endgame will arrive in theaters on April 26th, with Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie in tow. In the meantime, check out CinemaBlend's Endgame death pool, and our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.


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