Anna Paquin Has Never Seen X-Men: Days Of Future Past


Anna Paquin Has Never Seen X-Men: Days Of Future Past
Rogue and Logan in Days of Future Past

Before the Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC live-action universe were battling for box office supremacy, Bryan Singer's 2000 hit X-Men broke new ground by proving the genre could be both profitable and popular. The X-Men property is still going strong today, with fans looking forward to the upcoming release of Dark Phoenix. The First Class and original trilogy collided with the ambitious X-Men: Days of Future Past, combining both casts of characters into one massive blockbuster.

Days of Future Past arrived in theaters back in 2014, and was a multi-tiered story that took place in both a dystopian future and 1973. While X-Men fans were happy to see so many familiar faces in one movie, one major mutant got left on the cutting room floor: Anna Paquin's Rogue. While she eventually got her scenes restored in the home video Rogue Cut, it turns out that Paquin has never seen the movie-- either version. As she recently revealed:

Truthfully, I haven't actually seen either [version]. Hey, everyone with newborn twins who sits down and watches films for their own pleasure, raise their hand. Not me.

Despite being an OG member of the X-Men franchise, it looks like Anna Paquin hasn’t seen her most recent appearance, and the finale to her trilogy’s story. But she’s got a good excuse, as she was still a new mother when Days of Future Past arrived in theaters.

Anna Paquin’s comments to EW about missing Days of Future Past mentions she had recently given birth at the time the blockbuster was released. Paquin and her husband and True Blood co-star Stephen Moyer had twins Poppy and Charlie Moyer in 2012, with the challenge of two babies proving too distracting for the actress to tune into Days of Future Past. And considering how her small role was ultimately cut from the theatrical release, the movie must have been even further from her mind.

While X-Men: Days of Future Past was a brave and bold part of the X-Men franchise, in the end it's just another gig for Anna Paquin. And when things in her personal life needed attention, she became less invested in the comic book property. Rogue hadn't factored heavily into the narrative since back in The Last Stand, so you can't blame Paquin for moving on with her life, while still being open for another cameo.

Rogue's role in Days of Future Past wasn't revealed until the film came out for home release, and the Rogue Cut arrived. After Logan lashed out and injured Ellen Page's Kitty Pryde, the future characters needed Rogue to relieve her. But they had to break her out of a mutant prison first, with Iceman and Magneto doing the honors, and reuniting her with the rest of the group. Iceman even perished in the process, giving him a death separate from the mass execution in the film's third act.

Ultimately, Rogue'e scenes weighed down Days of Future Past's already long runtime, so she ended up on the cutting room floor. Luckily Anna Paquin didn't seem too heartbroken, and her scenes were eventually made available to the fandom anyway. While the character became less vital to the story as the franchise lives on, Rogue's role in the first X-Men franchise was integral to the main plot, and the conflict between good and evil.

It should be interesting to see how Rogue functions onscreen once the deal between Disney and Fox is official. Rogue hasn't been part of the First Class franchise, which is set to continue with the upcoming release of Dark Phoenix. While she hasn't been seen onscreen in a number of years, that might change once the X-Men are adopted into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Comic book fans are eager to see the mutants finally appear in the massive shared universe, although smart money says Disney will be rebooting the property, rather than simply incorporating the existing cast into the MCU.

This potential outcome is a bummer for fans who have followed the X-Men franchise for nearly two decades, but it opens up a ton of narrative possibilities for the titular team of Marvel heroes. Marvel Studios will get a fresh start at iconic characters like Wolverine, Cyclops, Magneto, and (hopefully) Rogue. Fans of Anna Paquin's signature X-Men character know that she's got a quite different origin in the comics than what was portrayed onscreen, so the MCU could break new ground and show a new side to casual moviegoers.

In the comics, Rogue is the adopted daughter of Mystique, who was trained to be a villain. Professor X eventually calls out to her, and she joins the X-Men and becomes a beloved member of the team. What's more, the backstory behind her powers directly relates to Carol Danvers, the character Brie Larson is bringing to theaters with Captain Marvel.

When working for Mystique, Rogue uses her power-stealing abilities to attack Carol Danvers aka Miss Marvel (this was before Captain Marvel became the character's primary name). She holds onto Carol so long that she absorbs her Kree abilities permanently, retaining super strength, near invulnerability, and flight-- in addition to her normal power. With Captain Marvel is set to be a major presence in the future of the MCU, it would be the perfect time to give Rogue the spotlight comic fans have been waiting for her to inhabit.

Unfortunately, most of Marvel's plans after Avengers: Endgame are a mystery. With the exception of Spider-Man: Far From Home, it's unclear what the future of the behemoth franchise holds. Fox and Disney's merger adds extra uncertainty to the situation, with the X-Men franchise still moving forward with the release of Dark Phoenix and The New Mutants. Additionally, there's the Deadpool franchise to worry about as well. While Disney will no doubt keep Ryan Reynolds character alive and well, fans have worried as to whether or not they'll still be rated R. All that remains to be seen, as the general public is left to wait for official news from either camp.

The next installment in the X-Men franchise will be Dark Phoenix on June 7th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.


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